Tag Archive for: construction
That Stinks! The Problems with Household Odours and Purchasing a Home
As the snow starts to melt, and the spring season pushes through, imagine this:
You walk into a house that you are going to buy, and the strong aroma of freshly baked cookies fills the air. As you explore the house, the subtle but tasteful…
Representing Clients when Dealing with New Home Builders
Commonly, lawyers will act on both sides of residential real estate transactions. Sometimes it is a necessity in smaller centres where there may only be one or two local lawyers. Other times, it is because there…
The Right New Home with the Wrong Builders Mortgage Equals a Disaster
Building a new home? The financing on a property is an important consideration. Make sure that you understand how funds are going to be disbursed under progress draws on your construction mortgage so that problems do not arise later. Consider…